Bill Clinton For McCain???

Something I never thought I would see, Bill Clinton supporting John McCain going back to Washington.

…and placing the blame on the Democrats… Then again maybe he is just still mad over the racism charges and snubbing of Hillary as Obama’s VP pick…

The Real Brains Behind The Obama Campaign

Liberals Botch Bailout 1.0


Down In Flames!

Down In Flames!

Voting against the bailout package, the House has created a major financial crisis. Having gone on for weeks blaming Bush and McCain, the liberals fell off the high ground. Partisan harassment of McCain going back to Washington last week, then being told to get out by the liberals because they thought they had it tied up.

The liberals only had 54% of their own party voting in favor. The liberals trying to blame the Republicans for voting against the bailout, are to blame. The liberals could have passed the bill by themselves. They knew to make it veto proof, they needed McCain as they would not vote for it unless John McCain did. McCain brought 33% of the Republicans over the line. If the liberals could have brought 17 more of their votes over they would have been able to pass the bill.

Now, America has to wait until after Rosh Hashanah before any new proposal is worked on. Today we lost 777 points on the DOW. There is a possibilty that this will double in a couple of days and if by weeks end nothing is done by congress, that number may double… This could be a third of the market gone in panic.

Congress needs to forget about their politics and come up with a responsible solution that will allow us to get out of this mess and stop the panic on the market. This has effected the European market and Asian Markets as well. The overal reprocussions are could be very costly if the world markets collapse. The Central Bank has pumped almost as much as the bailout cost, $620 Billion, into the market to support the world market and try to keep it from imploding… A responsible bill needs to be drafted with the support of all members of Congress.

I would like to thank Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chris Dodd, Barney Franks and Harry Reid for creating this financial mess, overlooking the problem when attention was brought to it, splitting their own party, running John McCain out of Washington and destroying our economy.

Barack Obama, please continue to take credit for this. You deserve it. Change You Can Believe In…

Islamification Of Tesco

This asshat worked 8 months at Tesco, doing what he is now suing for… He had to move cases of liquor. Wow. Well he should have thought of that before accepting the job. 

I would venture to say that he has no objection to the liquor, but he has an objection to working and making a living…

As far as I know, Islam does not have any laws against handling alcohol, only consuming it…

A Muslim said he is suing Tesco for religious discrimination because he was asked to handle crates of alcohol in a warehouse.

Mohammed Ahmed, 32, was employed at the supermarket giant’s Lichfield depot in September last year for a job that included transporting various goods on fork-lift trucks.

The Saudi Arabia national told a tribunal he had not been told when he started the job that he would be handling alcoholic drinks – a task he said was against his Islamic beliefs.

The situation came to a head in the run-up to Christmas last year, when more alcohol was ferried to the warehouse in preparation for the festive season.

Mr Ahmed, who moved to Derby in 2006, complained to Tesco in February, but claims he was treated unfairly as a result. After eight months working for the company, he left in protest.

The decision on his legal action, after a three-day employment tribunal held in Birmingham, is expected next week.

He said: “It’s in our religion that we are not allowed to handle alcohol. In the UK there’s equal opportunities that should protect me and my beliefs.

“I was asking for my rights. I am not saying I am a perfect person but there was a conflict with my beliefs.”

Tesco claimed Mr Ahmed was made aware at his induction that he would be handling alcohol, and that every effort was made to find him an alternative role in the warehouse. But the claimant, of Upper Dale Road, Normanton, claims he was victimised by managers because of his stance.

A Tesco spokesman said: “Cases like this are very rare as managers are trained to be culturally sensitive and have an ‘open door policy’ to staff for issues like this as everyone is welcome to work at Tesco.”

But then again, it is just more of the same trend, force us to follow their rules when they come to our country… Pretty soon England will no longer be England, but another Muslim Nation…

MUSLIM supermarket checkout staff who refuse to sell alcohol are being allowed to opt out of handling customers’ bottles and cans of drink.

Islamic workers at Sainsbury’s who object to alcohol on religious grounds are told to raise their hands when encountering any drink at their till so that a colleague can temporarily take their place or scan items for them.

Other staff have refused to work stacking shelves with wine, beer and spirits and have been found alternative roles in the company.

Sainsbury’s said this weekend it was keen to accommodate the religious beliefs of all staff but some Islamic scholars condemned the practice, saying Muslims who refused to sell alcohol were reneging on their agreements with the store.

Islam states that Muslims should not consume alcohol, but opinion is divided on whether it is permissible to be involved in the sale of it.

Mustapha, a Muslim checkout worker at the company’s store in Swiss Cottage, northwest London, interrupts his work to ensure that he does not have to sell or handle alcohol.

Each time a bottle or can of alcohol comes along the conveyor belt in front of him, Mustapha either swaps places discreetly with a neighbouring attendant or raises his hand so that another member of staff can come over and pass the offending items in front of the scanner before he resumes work.

Some of the staff delegated to handle the drink for Mustapha are themselves obviously Muslim, including women in hijab head coverings. However, a staff member at the store told a reporter that two other employees had asked to be given alternative duties after objecting to stacking drinks shelves.

Mustapha told one customer: “I can’t sell the alcohol because of my religion. It is Ramadan at the moment.”

His customers did not appear to have any objection to his polite refusal to work with alcohol. One said: “I have no issues with it at all, it really doesn’t bother me.”

However, some senior Muslims were less approving.

Ghayasuddin Siddiqui, director of the Muslim Institute and leader of the Muslim parliament, said: “This is some kind of overenthusiasm. One expects professional behaviour from people working in a professional capacity and this shows a lack of maturity.

“Sainsbury’s is being very good, they are trying to accommodate the wishes of their employees and we commend that. The fault lies with the employee who is exploiting and misusing their goodwill. It makes no difference if it is only happening over Ramadan.”

Ibrahim Mogra, chairman of the inter-faith committee of the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), said: “Muslim employees should look at the allowances within Muslim law to enable them to be better operating employees and not be seen as rather difficult to cater for.”

A spokeswoman for Sainsbury’s, confirming Mustapha’s stance, said: “At the application stage we ask the relevant questions regarding any issues about handling different products and where we can we will try and accommodate any requirements people have, but it depends on the needs of the particular store.”

There is a difference between accommodating the reasonable needs and expectations of a group and culture to make them feel reasonably content and justified in their working environment; however this is unreasonable compromise for these hardcore-muslims. madness indeed.

Justin King, London, UK

Once again Sainsbury”s are putting their staffs wacky ideas before their customers. If these zealots do not like the idea of alcohol WHY did they take the job in the first place???. They must have signed a contract of employment, it should be enforced.

Peter Robinson, Leicester, ENGLAND (not India)

Some of us ‘indigenous’ people have had enough of GB being destroyed by over-enthusiastic ‘political correctness’ . So we’ve departed the miserable shores of the UK and set up happy homes elsewhere where we don’t have put up with this ‘religious’ nonsense. Get real Sainsurys and GB government.

Annie, Biarritz, France

An Inconvenient Truth For Liberals

The truth behind the economic crisis. Liberals would have you believe that this is all the fault of McCain. They use the Bush administration as a proxy to attack McCain. The truth of the matter is the Bush administration, McCain and the conservative base has been warning and trying to prevent this mess.


Money For Nothing

Detailed points of 2004 attempt to regulate Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac by Conservatives and the undermining by Liberals in Congress. Please listen to the whole think. Listen to the Money Made by the leaders of Fannie Mae…



Bailout Draft

Michelle Malkin has posted the current draft of the bailout plan.


Obama BraceletGate – Politicizing Soldier’s Death – Update

Obama’s me to, claim to being wearing a bracelet of a fallen Iraq soldier, was initial just that a me too. However it turns out to be much more. He wears the bracelet and envokes its story against the wishes of the parents of Ryan Jopek. His parents have requested, months ago, for Obama to stop wearing the bracelet and stop talking about it in his campaign.

This is a prime example of what Obama thinks of the rest of us, we are here to serve him. More Change You Can Believe In!

To all that read this, please write letters, make phone calls, email, Obama and your congressional leaders, and request that he honor the wishes of Ryan Jopek’s family.

Barack Obama played the “me too” game during the Friday debates on September 26 after Senator John McCain mentioned that he was wearing a bracelet with the name of Cpl. Matthew Stanley, a resident of New Hampshire and a soldier that lost his life in Iraq in 2006. Obama said that he too had a bracelet. After fumbling and straining to remember the name, he revealed that his had the name of Sergeant Ryan David Jopek of Merrill, Wisconsin.

Shockingly, however, Madison resident Brian Jopek, the father of Ryan Jopek, the young soldier who tragically lost his life to a roadside bomb in 2006, recently said on a Wisconsin Public Radio show that his family had asked Barack Obama to stop wearing the bracelet with his son’s name on it. Yet Obama continues to do so despite the wishes of the family.

Radio host Glenn Moberg of the show “Route 51” asked Mr. Jopek, a man who believes in the efforts in Iraq and is not in favor of Obama’s positions on the war, what he and his ex-wife think of Obama continually using their son’s name on the campaign trail. (h/t D. Keith Howington of

Jopek began by saying that his ex-wife was taken aback, even upset, that Obama has made the death of her son a campaign issue. Jopek says his wife gave Obama the bracelet because “she just wanted Mr. Obama to know Ryan’s name.” Jopek went on to say that “she wasn’t looking to turn it into a big media event” and “just wanted it to be something between Barack Obama and herself.” Apparently, they were all shocked it became such a big deal.

But, he also said that his ex-wife has refused further interviews on the matter and that she wanted Obama to stop wearing the reminder of her son’s sacrifice that he keeps turning into a campaign soundbyte. This begins at about 10 minutes into the radio program. (Download radio show HERE)


Brian Jopek: Because of some of the negative feedback she’s gotten on the Internet, you know Internet blogs, you know people accusing her of… or accusing Obama of trying to get votes doing it… and that sort of thing.

Radio Host Moberg: Yeah

Jopek: She has turned down any subsequent interviews with the media because she just didn’t want it to get turned into something that it wasn’t. She had told me in an email that she had asked, actually asked Mr. Obama to not wear the bracelet any more at any of his public appearances. Which I don’t think he’s…

Moberg: It has been a while since he’s brought it up.

Jopek: Right. But, the other night I was watching the news and he was on, uh, speaking somewhere and he was still wearing it on his right wrist. I could see it on his right wrist. So, that’s his own choice. I mean that’s something Barack Obama, that’s a choice that he continues to wear it despite Tracy asking him not to… Because she is a Barack Obama supporter and she didn’t want to do anything to sabotage his campaign, so, if he’s still wearing the bracelet then, uh, that of course is entirely up to him.

Moberg: Maybe there’s a difference between wearing it and making a point to bring it up in your speeches?


Even the snow job that the radio host tried to pull off to cover for Barack’s refusing the wishes of the family of the KIA soldier who’s bracelet he wears doesn’t pass the smell test. After all, now that Obama has made it a big point in the debates, I guess the silent observance of Sgt. Jopek is no longer so silent and Obama is back to exploiting the death of a soldier even when he was asked NOT to do so by that soldier’s parents.

To pile insult onto injury here, the Mother doesn’t even want to force the issue of telling Obama to stop exploiting her son because she wants to see him win the election. Obama is not only taking advantage of this brave soldier’s death, he is taking advantage of the good wishes of the man’s Mother who doesn’t want to hurt the campaign.

And, why is the media not playing this story? The radio show on which this interview is heard happened all the way back in March. How is it the media missed this? Is it because they are also don’t want to hurt Obama’s campaign?

I can only say that if the parents of the soldier whose bracelet John McCain is wearing had said in public that they want him to stop wearing their son’s bracelet the news would have been coast to coast, and wall to wall, not just ignored in Madison, Wisconsin.

Obama’s use of this soldier that fell in the line of duty is tainted by his ambition and callousness. And the media is letting him get away with it.


Tracey Jopek did not ask Obama not to wear the bracelet. However she did ask him not to talk about it as she did not want to upset families of other fallen soldiers that do not share her view and also because she did not want it to be picked up and used by the anti-war mongers.

Regardless Obama still politcized the soldier and did go against the wishes of the mother and father by using their son as a talking point.


Hysterical   Barackalypto

Deal or No Deal

The Liberals are trying to say John McCains trip to Washington undermined a bipartisan deal already reached. This of course is part of their claim that he is politicizing the economic crisis…

Well it seems that liberal cohorts must have been in different negotiations as everyone else..

McCain did not “sabotage” their deal, he made them work with Republicans… Prior to his arrival there was no deal.

Barack Obama – Me Too, Me Too

Obama has a bracelet to Mr. McCain

Notice he has to read the bracelet to remember the soldiers name…