Democrates Are The Reason Democrates Keep Loosing

The Democratic Party is falling apart… Barack Obama has brought an unheard of amount of division to the party. Now at the all important Unity convention where Clinton and Obama are suppose to Unite the Democrats we have the beginning of a Democratic Civil War…

The primaries were littered with party infighting and some really nasty politics, that likes of which I do not recall seeing in my lifetime…

Now that Barack has all but received the final blessing of the party, more gut wrenching splits are threatening to tear the party apart and alienate the independent voters as well as old time Democrats…

First shot fired by some asshat supporter that does not realize the Democrats cannot win on the current democratic base. The democrats need the other half of Clinton’s voters as well as a good share of the Independent voters if they want to even have a shot at McCain… Make sure to listen to this guy, not what he says about McCain, but rather what he says because this woman is a Clinton supporter, then listen to his response when he finds out that she is an independent…

 Then to make matters worse, The Black Illinois Senate President, Emil Jones, calls a Black Female supporter of Clinton, Delmarie Cobb, an “Uncle Tom“… Holy shit that is too funny, considering many see Barack as an Uncle Tom himself…

A black delegate from Chicago who is supporting Hillary Clinton has claimed Barack Obama’s mentor called her an “Uncle Tom.”

The Chicago Sun Times reported Monday that two aldermen said they heard Emil Jones, who is also black, call political consultant Delmarie Cobb the racist term, but they thought he was joking.

“Last night, I was called an ‘Uncle Tom’ by Emil Jones in the lobby of the hotel, right in front of  Freddrenna Lyle and Leslie Hairston and Latasha Thomas,” said Cobb, a member of Clinton’s Illinois Steering Committee, according to the newspaper. “I walked over to him and asked him, ‘What did you just call me?’”

Lyle dismissed the exchange and gently scolded Jones, but Cobb said she has gotten considerable flak in the African-American community because of her solid support for Clinton, the Sun-Times wrote.

Jones is retiring as state Senate president this year and his son Emil Jones III is already locked to succeed him for his south suburban and South Side Senate seat.

In a feature story out Sunday, The Chicago Sun-Times reported that Jones found Obama to be a pushy community organizer when he first started in politics, but liked him from the start. Critics noted that Obama’s reformist credentials may be tarred by his association to Jones, who they say is a stalwart in Chicago’s notorious political “machine.”

Click here to read The Chicago Sun-Times article.

Now this asshat is claiming that he she misheard him… Sorry Jones, I hardly think someone could mistake Uncle Tom for Doubting Thomases

‘Come on board, he’s a nice, clean cut guy and everything.’ I said, ‘We’ve got to stop all this. We’ve got too many doubting Thomases and we’ve got to get together.’

“And she was walking away and therefore she heard the last part of the word; she didn’t hear the whole part”

Even though the aldermen with him confirmed he called her an Uncle Tom…

The Chicago Sun-Times quoted several aldermen who witnessed the exchange and confirmed that Jones called Cobb an “Uncle Tom.”

Obama’s campaign has been riddled with racisim, from the first rearing of Rev. Wright to Jessie Jackson to this…

Update: We Will Not Be Silenced… A documentary about voter fraud during the Primaries… What is interesting is these are the same accusations the Democrats have used in past against the Republicans for both of GW’s elections… Funny how they have turned on themselves… I urge the people to read the supporting documents before dismissing this… Oddly enough more evidence than the Democrats could muster up against Bush…

As Americans, we expect certain liberties and rights that were granted us by our forefathers, who wrote documents like the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. “We the people” expect that these fundamental rights will always be protected. However, in the current Democratic Presidential Primary, this has not been the case. We believe that the The Democratic National Committee (DNC) made a grave error by depriving American voters of their choice of Hillary Clinton as Democratic nominee. Senator Clinton, by all accounts, except caucuses, won the Primary Election and, therefore, should be the 2008 Democratic Nominee. That didn’t happen, due largely to illegitimate and illegal acts. We have interviews of many accounts from caucus states recounting threats, intimidation, lies, stolen documents, falsified documents, busing in voters in exchange for paying for “dinners,” etc. There are at least 2000 complaints, in Texas alone, of irregularities directed towards the Obama Campaign, that have lead to a very fractured and broken Democratic Party.

This documentary is about the disenfranchising of American citizens by the Democratic Party and the Obama Campaign. We the People have made this film. Democrats have sent in their stories from all parts of America. We want to be heard and let the country know how our party has sanctioned the actions of what we feel are Obama campaign “Chicago Machine” dirty politics. We believe this infamous campaign of “change” from Chicago encouraged and created an army to steal caucus packets, falsify documents, change results, allow unregistered people to vote, scare and intimidate Hillary supporters, stalk them, threaten them, lock them out of their polling places, silence their voices and stop their right to vote, which is, of course, all documented in “We Will Not Be Silenced.”

“We Will Not Be Silenced” is about the people who fight back by simply telling their stories: Teachers, professors, civil rights activists, lawyers, janitors, physicists, ophthalmologists, accountants, mathematicians, retirees – all bound together by their love of America and Democracy. They will tell us their experiences and how they feel betrayed by their own party. They will discuss how their party has disenfranchised them and how, when they saw and reported multiple instances of fraud, everyone turned a blind eye. Rather than support and protect the voices and votes of its loyal members, the DNC chose to sweep this under the rug by looking the other way, or using ceremony and quazi-investigations to assuage angry voters. It is our opinion that never before has their been such a “dirty” campaign; the campaign that has broken the hearts and spirits of American voters, who once believed in the Democractic voting system.

We are not angry liberals; we are disappointed Democrats, who love our country and feel the DNC needs to stand for truth, care about it’s voter base and stop committing actions worse than what we only thought possible of the worst Republicans. The DNC and the Obama campaign need to be held accountable for the catastrophe of the 2008 Democratic Primary. We must right their wrongs…after all, this is America, the Land of the Free, where every American has the right to a fair, honest voting process, and to have their vote counted…

We Will Not Be Silenced

Pelosi Postures Offshore Drilling for 2008 Elections

Now that President Bush removed the Executive orders blockading offshore drilling the pressure is on the democratic run Congress to provide viable options for easing the energy crisis. Well it turns out the Pelosi is now considering offshore drilling even though her and her liberal cohorts, including Presidential Candidate Barack Obama have said it will not help lower the price of oil and that it would not provided any type of relief for another decade… This is true political posturing in hopes of keeping voters who support offshore drilling from voting for McCain.

The key will be what BS will be attached to any proposal to lift the Congressional Blockade…

Democrats’ stance against offshore drilling has shifted more, with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi signaling on Saturday her willingness to consider opening up more coastal areas to oil and gas exploration.

In her party’s weekly radio address, Pelosi said opening portions of the Outer Continental Shelf for drilling would be a part of energy legislation that House Democrats intend to put forward in the coming weeks to address oil dependence and high gasoline prices.

Lawmakers will be able to “consider opening portions of the Outer Continental Shelf for drilling, with appropriate safeguards, and without taxpayer subsidies to Big Oil,” said Pelosi, D-Calif.

Just weeks ago Pelosi seemed resolved to block any votes to allow offshore drilling, in part because Californians have opposed drilling off their coasts since an oil spill off Santa Barbara in 1969. New oil drilling is only allowed now in federal waters in the western Gulf of Mexico and off Alaska.

Pelosi’s radio remarks were the latest to hint that the energy debate in Congress is still evolving, and that Democrats are budging on the issue.

Congress left for the August recess deadlocked over how to address $4-a-gallon gasoline. Democratic proposals to tap the nation’s petroleum reserve, curb oil speculation and force oil companies to drill on already leased federal lands were blocked by Republicans trying to force votes on offshore drilling.

Yet any vote on drilling is likely to force the Republicans’ hand, since it will likely be packaged with unpopular proposals to tap the petroleum reserve and recoup unpaid royalties from the late 1990s to pay for renewable energy projects.

“This comprehensive Democratic approach will ensure energy independence which is essential to our national security, will create millions of good paying jobs here at home in a new green economy, and will take major steps forward in addressing the global climate crisis,” said Pelosi, who criticized Republicans’ “drill only” plan.

Republican leaders called Pelosi’s proposal a ruse.

She “is deliberately misrepresenting the facts about our plan in order to shift attention away from the Democrats’ shameful record,” said House Republican leader John Boehner of Ohio. “Her new effort appears to be just another flawed plan that will do little to lower gas prices.” Boehner and more than 100 House Republicans refused to depart for the summer recess in protest of Democrats’ refusal to have a vote on their proposals.

The pressure to expand offshore drilling intensified last month when President Bush lifted an executive prohibition on drilling for oil and gas on the Outer Continental Shelf. A congressional ban remains in place.

Polls have shown that voters have grown more supportive of more domestic oil production as fuel prices have climbed.

Howard Dean’s Reverse Racism

Howard “Angry Man” Dean has “slipped” in a recent comment that shows how the liberal leadership of the Democratic Party is truly devisive… As usual the mass media ignores the racist remarks made by Dean. It is still politically uncorrect to be white in todays worlds…

I guess the Republican Party is composed of typical White people…

In an interview with National Public Radio on Friday, Howard Dean, the chairman of the Democratic National Committee, referred to the Republican Party as the white party, seemingly accidental.

“If you look at folks of color, even women, they’re more successful in the Democratic Party than they are in the white, uh, excuse me, in the Republican Party,” Dean said, chuckling, “because we just give more opportunity to folks who are hard-working people who are immigrants and come from members of minority groups.”

Listen to it HERE.

The GOP jumped on the comments. “Howard Dean’s comments on race and gender today are disappointing and wrong,” said Republican National Committee chairman Mike Duncan in a statement. “His efforts to divide Americans are an insult to all our nation’s citizens and have absolutely no place in the national dialogue.”

Journalist Mike Kinsley’s aphorism about a gaffe being when a politician accidentally tells the truth — the truth as Dean sees it, at least — comes to mind.

– jpt

UPDATE: DNC spox Stacie Paxton notes that Chairman Dean “misspoke and corrected himself immediately.”  She also provides the full exchange:

NPR: Another bit of news that caught our eyes this week, the U.S. Census Department released a report projecting that whites will become a minority in the US by the year 2042, that’s about 8 years earlier than expected. How do you think it would affect your approach to building the Democratic Party? You famously declared that Democrats should pursue voters who had confederate flags in their cars, meaning that Democrats should continue to court culturally conservative southern whites.  Do these new numbers suggest that perhaps that strategy doesn’t really make sense? 

Dean: I think we should court all voters and we haven’t courted Southern conservative working class folks and we need to do that. But you know our Party has been a no majority party for a long time. The fact is that the Democratic Party is made up of lots of different people and we’re all minorities in our party. That’s the way it’s been for a long, long time. We’re the party of opportunity. The demographic trends favor the Democrats because we are an inclusive, accepting party. And if you look at folks of color, even women, they’re more successful in the Democratic Party than they are in the white, excuse me, than in the Republican Party because we just give more opportunity to folks who are hardworking people who are immigrants and come from members of minority groups.   

Obama’s Empty Hope Worries Democrats

Well, on the verge of the Democratic National Convention, the Democratic leadership is calling on Obama to add substance to his campaign. Odd don’t you think that the have all by nominated him and now they want him to add substance, wouldn’t you think they should have call on him to do that prior to making him their great hope…

The fact that they are worried about the fight with McCain shows that the country is still divided and the empty promises of the liberal party will not satisfy the masses.

Promises of Hope and Change are great, but the question is what hope and what changes…

As Senator Barack Obama prepares to accept the Democratic presidential nomination next week, party leaders in battleground states say the fight ahead against Senator John McCain looks tougher than they imagined, with Mr. Obama vulnerable on multiple fronts despite weeks of cross-country and overseas campaigning

These Democrats — 15 governors, members of Congress and state party leaders — say Mr. Obama has yet to convert his popularity among many Americans into solutions to crucial electoral challenges: showing ownership of an issue, like economic stewardship or national security; winning over supporters of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton; and minimizing his race and experience level as concerns for voters.

Mr. Obama has run for the last 18 months as the candidate of hope. Yet party leaders — while enthusiastic about Mr. Obama and his state-by-state campaign operations — say he must do more to convince the many undecided Democrats and independents that he would address their financial anxieties rather than run, by and large, as an agent of change — given that change, they note, is not an issue.

“I particularly hope he strengthens his economic message — even Senator Obama can speak more clearly and specifically about the kitchen-table, bread-and-butter issues like high energy costs,” said Gov. Ted Strickland of Ohio. “It’s fine to tell people about hope and change, but you have to have plenty of concrete, pragmatic ideas that bring hope and change to life.”

Or, in the blunter words of Gov. Phil Bredesen, Democrat of Tennessee: “Instead of giving big speeches at big stadiums, he needs to give straight-up 10-word answers to people at Wal-Mart about how he would improve their lives.”

Obama advisers say he has made significant headway defining his positions on issues like tougher trade policies, the links between new energy sources and job creation and projecting American leadership abroad. At the same time, his trip last month to Iraq, Afghanistan and Europe helped reassure voters about his experience, they said, and his agreement to a roll-call vote on Mrs. Clinton’s candidacy at the convention should bring her disappointed supporters into the fold.

Moreover, the Obama campaign has started running negative advertisements against Mr. McCain in battleground states — often without announcing them beforehand. The reason, Obama aides say, is to try to convince voters that Mr. McCain is barely different than President Bush through a day or two of uncontested advertisements — until the Republicans learn about them and begin to counter the ads.

Yet these advisers also acknowledge that the Obama phenomenon — the candidacy that helped inspire record voter registrations and turnout during the primaries — has come down to earth in a divided, economically stressed nation. Even though political analysts say that the economic conditions favor the Democrats in this election, and Mr. Bush’s unpopularity could hurt Republicans, Mr. Obama has not broken away from Mr. McCain in polling — a reflection, in part, of the huge numbers of undecided voters across party lines.

“Democrats should take a deep breath and realize that there are a group of voters who won’t make up their mind about a candidate until deep in the fall,” said David Plouffe, Mr. Obama’s campaign manager. “And there are 18 states that are battlegrounds for a reason, and they’ll be decided by 2 to 4 points. I don’t care about national polls.”

A New York Times/CBS News poll last month found the race between Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain to be a statistical dead heat, not unlike where Senator John Kerry and Mr. Bush stood in a Times/CBS News poll in July 2004. The poll four years ago was conducted after Mr. Kerry, the Democratic nominee, picked Senator John Edwards as his running mate, yet before both the party conventions and the most intense period of political attacks on Mr. Kerry’s war service record as skipper of a Swift boat in Vietnam.

The McCain campaign has sought to turn Mr. Obama’s celebrity against him by portraying the freshman senator as out of his depth in crises like Russia’s invasion of Georgia. As Mr. Obama was in Hawaii last week, Mr. McCain presented himself as a man-at-the-ready, opining daily about Russia, as well as repeatedly invoking action verbs like “drill” in pledging to address high fuel prices.

To a considerable extent, political analysts say, the closeness of the race at this stage reflects the fact that many voters are not paying attention to it, after the long, wearying primary season. Many Democrats pointed to the election of 1980 when voters, choosing between a relatively inexperienced former governor, Ronald Reagan, and an unpopular incumbent, Jimmy Carter, finally flocked to Mr. Reagan at the end after resolving whatever qualms they had about him.

But some Republicans disputed that analogy, saying the difficulty Mr. Obama faces getting traction in public opinion polls reflects the country’s reservations about this relative newcomer to national politics — both because he has little experience in national security but also, inevitably, because of his race.

“I think Senator Obama is a motivational speaker, but at the end of the day I don’t think that will translate into votes, and certainly not the image of strength that Ronald Reagan had,” said Jim Greer, the chairman of the Florida Republican Party.

“Florida has not yet been locked down by either candidate, or all but won by either candidate, but I think Obama’s inability to prove his experience or prove that he owns a political issue far more than McCain is a real problem for him,” Mr. Greer said.

In response, several Democrats said that choosing a seasoned party leader as his running mate would help Mr. Obama in the fall if he is unable to fully allay voters’ uncertainty that a one-term senator is ready for the presidency.

“The one area he still needs credibility in is experience, and picking an Evan Bayh or a Joe Biden as vice president would help a lot with that,” said John B. Breaux, a former Democratic senator from Louisiana. “It wouldn’t be bad if he came out early and said who his secretary of defense and secretary of state would be — that would address and stabilize the concerns about his experience.”

Mr. Obama and his aides made several strategic decisions this summer that had clear payoffs, yet also carried some risks that could play out in the general election.

He quit the public campaign finance system and built a formidable bank account for his campaign, while the Clintons and their supporters still smarted from her loss and grew frustrated that he did not do more to help pay down her campaign debt. He traveled overseas for a week, and was widely praised for his statesmanlike bearing, yet Republicans derided him as vainglorious for holding a huge rally in Berlin. And while Mr. Obama kept a low profile during his Hawaiian vacation, Mr. McCain sought to burnish his image on national security by responding to the Georgian crisis.

Some Democrats said Mr. Obama must still demonstrate that he would be a more effective president than Mr. McCain, and that he could unite the Democratic Party before its convention. Jane Kidd, the party leader in Georgia — where Mr. Obama is hoping black support will help him succeed where other northern Democratic nominees have failed — said Mr. Obama had a good deal more work to do to win over Clinton supporters as well as white voters who are loath to support a black candidate.

“In rural parts of Georgia and the South, there is still some fear about people who look different from themselves,” Ms. Kidd said. “And there’s also healing left to do among women who wanted to see the day that a woman was elected president,”

Mr. Bredesen, of Tennessee, said that while the Democrats had little chance of carrying his state — the Obama camp is sending Mr. Bredesen to campaign in other states — Mr. Obama could still take steps to appeal to undecided Democrats there that might increase his chances elsewhere.

“I would really like to see him do things in Tennessee that would help in other working-class and blue-collar places, like Ohio,” Mr. Bredesen said. “Job security and health care are huge here. He needs to come to the aisle of Home Depot and show them that a Harvard graduate — which I am as well — knows how to help them.”

Gov. Bill Ritter of Colorado, the host of next week’s Democratic National Convention, said Mr. Obama needed to hone and amplify his plan to create more jobs if he wants to woo undecided independent voters, who make up the largest bloc of the electorate in the swing state.

“His message is the right one, but he needs to turn up the volume and sharpen it a bit because these are voters who care a great, great deal about the future of the economy,” Mr. Ritter said. “He has to convince them he is ready for that huge task.”

Edwards’ Chief Fundraiser Raises New Questions

The Edwards affair scandel has opened a new line of questioning, that is what his chief fundraiser, Fred Baron has been dabbling in illegal activities by covering up the affair using campaign money. These new allegations contradict Baron’s claim that the money he gave Rielle Hunter and Andrew Young the man who claims he is the father of Hunter’s baby. If Baron did use campaign money to finance Hunter and Young’s relocation to California then he should be brought up on charges, however more of an investigation needs to be done to determine how much Edwards knew and if he authorized said payments.

In addition to this there are ties between Baron and Hunter and Young lawyers dealing with rackettering charges. Something stinks here.

New questions emerged Friday about John Edwards’ longtime chief fundraiser and secret efforts that protected the pregnant woman with whom the former presidential candidate has admitted an extramarital affair in 2006.

Fred Baron, Edwards’ national finance chairman and a wealthy Dallas-based trial attorney, has acknowledged that he quietly began sending money to Rielle Hunter, Edwards’ mistress, to resettle in California, along with the family of Andrew Young. Young is the campaign aide who has said he is the father of Hunter’s daughter, born after her affair with Edwards.

But Baron is far more intertwined in the matter than previously known, with long-standing personal connections to the lawyers who represented Hunter and Young, according to a review of legal findings by the Associated Press. Hunter’s lawyer, Robert J. Gordon of New York, was sued unsuccessfully with Baron and Baron’s law firm in 2001 in U.S. District Court in New York in a racketeering complaint. Young’s lawyer, Pamela J. Marple of Washington, was among three lawyers who defended Baron and his firm. The case was dismissed in December 2005.

Baron didn’t return a phone call or respond to an e-mail from the AP on Friday.

The relationships among Baron, Marple and Gordon were first reported in Friday’s editions of the New York Times. The newspaper said Baron acknowledged he might have played a role in hiring Marple and Gordon in the Edwards scandal, after initially saying he did not know how the lawyers were chosen.

Meanwhile, an earlier payment of $14,000 to Edwards’ mistress from the candidate’s political action committee was exchanged for 100 hours of unused videotape she shot producing short Web movies for which she already had been paid $100,000, an Edwards associate told the AP. Neither Edwards’ advisors nor this associate would discuss the purpose of the payment on the record.

That payment from Edwards’ OneAmerica political action committee, which came after Hunter stopped working for it, came in April 2007, months before Baron quietly began sending money himself to Hunter. Baron has described his payments to Hunter as a private transaction.

Edwards acknowledged last week that he had an affair with Hunter in 2006. The former Democratic presidential contender and senator from North Carolina has denied any knowledge of payments from Baron to Hunter.

Baron’s payments could present legal problems, said Washington attorney Cleta Mitchell, who specializes in campaign finance law and who represents Republican candidates and conservative groups. She said all payments to anyone involved in Edwards’ presidential campaigns — including Hunter and Young — should have been fully disclosed under U.S. campaign finance laws.

“That would undermine the purpose of the payments, which was to avoid public disclosure of the affair,” Mitchell said. “The idea that Edwards’ finance chairman can independently hand over substantial sums of money to two campaign workers at a time when Edwards is a candidate and to argue that that is not related to his campaign is a bit preposterous.”

The earlier, $14,000 payment to Hunter is significant because its source was Edwards’ OneAmerica political action committee, whose expenditures are governed by U.S. election laws.

Willfully converting political action committee money to personal use would be a federal criminal violation.

An associate of Edwards, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the $14,000 was paid to Hunter only after she relinquished about 100 hours of cutting-room floor videotape excerpts that were not part of four short Web videos she had produced for Midline Groove Ltd., a company Hunter started with a business partner in 2006.

When Hunter provided the last of more than 100 hours of footage, the firm was paid as contracted for, said the Edwards associate.

Legal experts said it was important for Edwards to demonstrate that the PAC wasn’t paying Hunter merely to keep her quiet about the affair.

“One thing that’s possible is that she was still owed money from what she’d done before for the political action committee, but obviously there are less charitable explanations,” said Richard Hasen, a professor specializing in campaign finance law at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles.

Edwards, who made millions as a personal injury lawyer, has relied heavily on fellow lawyers to finance his political career.

And no single law firm has been more generous than Baron’s. Through Edwards’ election to the Senate from North Carolina and his 2004 presidential bid, the Dallas firm had donated $419,650 to help Edwards win elections, according to the Center for Public Integrity.

Baron, a former president of the main national trade association for trial lawyers and a longtime Democratic donor and fundraiser, also was Edwards’ finance chairman in his 2004 and 2008 campaigns for the presidential nomination.

Baron is also a huge democratic financeer in Texas, donating millions of his own money to start the Texas Democratic Trust . Now considering his recent limelight he needs to be investigated by Congress. But no our Congress would be much more concerned with investigating steroid use in MLB…

 WASHINGTON —  The Dallas lawyer who helped John Edwards’ former mistress move across the country has donated $3.5 million since 2005 to help fuel a Democratic resurgence in Texas, a newspaper reported Saturday.

Fred Baron has been by far the largest donor to a group called the Texas Democratic Trust, and Republicans are now taking aim at candidates who take money connected to him.

Baron, who is Edwards’ longtime chief fundraiser, has helped Democrats rebound from near-obscurity in the Texas House to within striking distance of winning a majority of seats this fall. Baron started the Texas Democratic Trust and gave it $1.9 million in 2005 and 2006, providing more than 80 percent of its funding, according to the Austin American-Statesman.

“Without Fred Baron, none of this would have happened,” Democratic consultant Jason Stanford told the newspaper. “He paid for it. He paid for the work that was absolutely necessary.”

Baron was thrust into the national spotlight after acknowledging that he quietly began sending money to Rielle Hunter, Edwards’ mistress, to resettle in California. Baron has said he did not tell Edwards that he helped Hunter, nor how much money he gave her.

The Edwards saga has given Republicans new ammunition to attack Baron and those who have benefited from his donations. This week, Republicans criticized Democrat Diana Maldonado, who is running for a state House seat, because she received $25,000 from a group that Baron gave $25,000 to in April.

“Making that connection is absolutely in-bounds, and we would be remiss if we didn’t,” said Hans Klingler, a spokesman for the Texas Republican Party.

Slightly more than half of the money raised by the state party’s political action committee in 2005 and 2006 came from the Democratic Trust. Baron’s recent donations are unmatched in Texas by anyone in his party.

As Baron’s money poured in, Democratic gains accelerated. At the start of 2006, Democrats held 63 of the 150 seats in the Texas House. They now hold 71, within five seats of a House majority.

Democrats took control of Dallas County government two years ago and have picked up two congressional seats. But the party hasn’t won a statewide race in 14 years.


Thomas Paine’s Common Sense For 2008

Come on America, use your Common Sense.

The Real Cost Of Illegal Aliens On Our Health System

Listen carefully, this is not the only case out there. This is where our tax dollars go… This is why we need stricter immigration laws, need to refine the deportation process and impove border security and why we need to stay away from Socialized medicine..

Denver Terror Plot Denied – More Political Correctness

A Somalian Muslim living in Canada, diagnosed with mental health problems and a loner living with his mother, one day tells his family he is going on vacation to Denver just before the Democratic National Convention shows up in a ritzy Hotel, dead of cyanide poisoning and a container with about 400 Grams of cyanide and the FBI tries to convince the general public into believing this was not a planned terrorist attack. Amazing.

Any imbecile can see this guy was prime meat for terrorist recruitment, he fits the profile of the weak mind that these organizations seek out. Then the fact that he just up and goes from Canada to Denver just before the convention… Stays in a ritzy hotel just blocks from the State Capital building… Now add on the 400 Grams of cyanide… .2 grams (1/5 of a gram) is lethal to humans… 400 Grams is enought to kill 2,000 people. Now remember that is the lethal dose, however should you put that in a water supply being used to at the convention, many more would be sick on top of the number dead.

The Somalian refugee group in MN wants you to hold off judgement that this was  a planned terrorist attack… What PC bullshit. Look at the circumstances and evidence and draw a logical conclusion.

The big question is why would Black Muslims want to attack the Democratic National Convention?

I would venture to say that this is similar to my theory on why the Black Leadership in the US will ensure that Barack Obama is not president, because it will hurt their cause. The Muslims cannot allow Barack Obama to become president of the US because of this Muslim family it will hurt their cause and take away their “entitlement” to engage in terror against America.

FBI terrorism experts are investigating whether the death of a Somali-born Canadian citizen — whose body was found Monday in a Denver hotel room with about a pound of extremely toxic sodium cyanide — is connected to the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

The Denver coroner said the man died of cyanide poisoning.

The cause of death was announced Thursday, but authorities haven’t determined whether 29-year-old Saleman Abdirahman Dirie committed suicide.

An FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force has been sent to Denver, although Special Agent Kathy Wright said there’s no information to conclude that Dirie had terrorist ties, the Rocky Mountain News reported.

While local law enforcement officials tried to downplay the incident, stressing that there was no sign of foul play in the death of Dirie, a Defense Department contractor said it’s likely a terror plot could have been in the works, considering the toxicity and reported amount of cyanide found with the 29-year-old from Ottawa.

“I don’t see how anybody could do anything but look into the possibility that this is a potential terrorist attack,” Dr. Andrew Ternay told CBS 4 News in Denver.

The FBI, however, said Wednesday that there’s probably no reason for them to go back to the fourth-floor room at the Burnsley Hotel, where Dirie was found.

The hotel is located about four blocks from the Denver state Capitol.

“It’s an isolated incident,” Denver Police Detective John White told the newspaper. They refused to speculate on why he had such a large quantity of the poisonous substance with him in the swanky all-suite hotel so soon before the convention in Denver, Aug. 25-28.

“We don’t think it’s any act of terrorism,” Sonny Jackson, a spokesman for the Denver Police Department, told “We have no reason to believe it was. Nobody knows what was in this gentleman’s mind.”

Jackson declined to elaborate on why the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force got involved in the case.

“That’s just normal,” said Jackson. “You’d have to ask them why they got involved. They may have more expertise with the chemicals.”

Sodium cyanide is commercially available and commonly found in rat poison and used to extract fold and other precious metals. When inhaled or ingested, the chemical prevents the body from processing oxygen. It can also be mixed with certain acids to produce extremely lethal cyanide gas, according to the Department of Justice.

In July, a person calling himself “Abdirahman Dirie” posted an online comment with a blog that discussed the killing of Christians by Islamic Courts and Islamists in Somalia. It was not known whether it was the same person as the Dirie found dead in Denver.

“Please on’t [sic] talk sh—t, that man [the Christian blogger] deserves what happened to him, simply because having the bible in one hand, and a bread in the other hand, is not a correct thing,! Kill Them, Kill them, Kill them, that is my massage [sic],!” — comment by Abdirahman Dirie, July 11, 2008 @10:33 p.m.

But the FBI echoed police, insisting terrorism isn’t suspected.

“At this point we don’t have any nexus to terrorism,” the FBI’s Wright told The Associated Press. She didn’t immediately return a phone call seeking comment from

Dirie’s sister, meanwhile, is upset over the implication that her brother might have been planning some sort of massive deadly attack.

“He was not a terrorist,” his sister, who declined to give her name, told the Montreal Gazette. “We don’t want to hear that word, it hurts us. It is against our religion.”

She told the Gazette that he was diagnosed with schizophrenia about three years ago and was taking medication.

She said her brother was “fine” and wasn’t suicidal. Police said they were investigating whether Dirie took his own life.

“That’s a possibility,” Jackson told “I’m not going to speculate. It’s just a death investigation at this point.”

Fire officials said they found a bottle of the white powder in Dirie’s room, about a quart by volume, that was confirmed by police Wednesday to be cyanide.

Jackson declined to confirm how much was found.

“We aren’t releasing any amount,” he told “We don’t even know how much. It’s basically readily available for commercial use.”

Investigators have not said why Dirie had cyanide or whether he worked in a job that would have involved using it. They also have not said how long Dirie had been in Denver or whether anyone had accompanied him, though he didn’t appear to have ties to the city.

The State Department said privacy laws prevented the release of any information about the type of visa Dirie may have had.

The Canadian Consulate in Denver said members of Dirie’s family were in Colorado to make arrangements to return his body to Canada.

Addirizuk Karod, manager of Ottawa’s Somali Centre for Family Services, told the Ottawa Sun that Dirie was a member of the city’s Somali community and had been to the center with friends.

Karod told the newspaper the Dirie family had left Somalia as refugees years ago and had become Canadian citizens.

Hotel general manager Jason Ford declined to offer specific information about Dirie. He said other guests have been moved from the fourth floor, where Dirie’s room was, to avoid inconvenience from the investigation.

An advocacy group for Somali immigrants cautioned against linking Dirie to terrorism.

The Somali Justice Advocacy Center in St. Paul, Minn., said Thursday that connecting Dirie’s death to terrorism “is a rush to judgment.”

Clintons Invade 2008 DNC Convention

Well I wrote about a possible Clinton upset at the convention and having her become the Democratic candidate to go against McCain… Well it looks one step closer. In what appears to be a gracious move on the behalf of Barack Obama lies the footwork for the Clinton Spoiler… Never before has a loosing candidate who “suspended” their campaign had soooooooo much influence at the convention. And it is not just Hillary, Bill and Chelsea are joining in on the fun.

Now even if this is not a Clinton spoiler it shows the desperation of the Obama camp, there is a deep divide in the Democratic Party and if he cannot get the Clinton Supporters to come over he has lost the General Electioin. This is a desparation move and could prove fatal to Barack.

The Democratic National Convention is shaping into quite some party for Hillary Clinton.

Her name will be placed into nomination. She’ll give a prime-time address, introduced by her daughter Chelsea. Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, will get his own plum speaking slot on a separate night. She will also have her own production team to create the introductory video that precedes her speech – the same people who produced Bill Clinton’s biography video “The Man from Hope” in 1992.

And, there’s now language in the party’s platform that refers to the “18 million cracks in the highest glass ceiling,” and suggests that media sexism contributed to Hillary’s defeat. All this makes it easy to forget that Hillary Clinton is the loser.

Barack Obama and Clinton say they agreed to put both of their names into nomination after weeks of negotiating. It’s meant to help unite the party and head off potential embarrassing problems at the convention from Hillary supporters. You can bet Obama wants a drama-free convention and sees this laundry list of concessions as a way of keeping the peace.

Others suggest this amounts to little more than extortion. One expert says the Clintons have “got Obama hostage and are exacting their ransom” with all of these convention demands. New York Daily News columnist Michael Goodwin writes that “Obama blinked and stands guilty of appeasing Clinton”. He points out by giving in to her, Obama doesn’t stand to get any votes he wouldn’t have gotten anyway, and that those who refuse to accept him as the legitimate winner probably won’t change their minds because he’s caved in.

If he can’t stand up to Hillary, how’s he going to fare against Vladimir Putin?
Here’s my question to you: When it comes to the convention, has Barack Obama let Hillary Clinton take over?

Interested to know which ones made it on air?
Diane from Florida writes:
Jack, Can you imagine if the shoe were on the other foot? If Hillary had won the nomination and Obama were asking to have his delegation recognized? Do you really think that Michelle would be speaking one night introduced by the Obama daughters and Barack would have a speaking engagement the next night? Not on your life! Bill and Hillary would have mowed Obama down in a heartbeat, and they still might try.

Martha writes:
It’s people like you, Jack, who forget she is not a loser. She earned 18 million votes. Why don’t you stop with your stupid questions and always trying to put the Clintons down? Show some respect. She absolutely has earned the right to be acknowledged at the convention and with any luck the voters will get it right this time.

B. from Odom, Texas writes:
I think Sen. Obama is being exceedingly gracious to Sen. Clinton. The majority of your viewers, including me, believe she and Bill are up to no good. I hope we are wrong. I sincerely hope Mr. Obama has all his bases covered. I for one cannot wait for all this intrigue and drama to be over.

Tony from Stafford, Virginia writes:
You didn’t really think that Hillary Clinton was just going to lie down and give up, did you? Silly, silly people. Have you learned nothing about the Clintons in the past 16 years?

Jay writes:
Barack Obama is the nominee, period. There is no takeover. The media are just circulating the RNC’s talking points with this controversy garbage.

Brian from Chicago writes:
If all goes well, history will remember Obama for being a pragmatic leader who successfully unified the Democratic Party. However, I will point out that Hillary Clinton’s campaign has not ended. It has been suspended. Why is that? And is it possible for a campaign to un-suspend upon the unsuspecting?

Qualifying Obama’s Rights To Be President

Every American should be concerned with the qualifications of any Presidential candidate, whether they support the candidate or not. Barack Obama’s qualifications are in question and need to be resolved prior to the Election.

Mr. Obama’s citizenship is in question and the only thing the has done is provide what appears to be a falsified Certificate of Live Birth.

The Federal Election Committee needs to do its job and investigate whether Obama has the right to be on our ballot. This is a basic Constititutional requirement.

Mitchell Langbert has submitted a letter to the FEC, outlining the reasoning for an investigation of Barack Obama’s legal status to run for Presisdent as well as what should be done should Barack Obama fail to provide legitimate proof of his citizenship, and has started a petition to have the FEC act upon it’s duties to uphold our Constitution with Pamela Geller of Atlas Shruggs.

Every American should support this, regardless of your political affiliations. At the very least please sign the petition, ideally you should also contact your Congressmen and demand they ensure this Presidential election is Constitutional.

I have mailed the following letter following conversations with Contrairimairi and others who have suggested an FEC investigation of the Obama birth information. Currently, it does not appear that any one government office has taken responsibility for verification of a candidate’s eligibility to be president, and part of this inquiry is to force the FEC to clarify who is responsible.

PO Box 130
West Shokan, New York 12494
August 6, 2008

Mr. Donald F. McGahn, II, Chairman
Federal Election Commission
999 E Street, NW, Washington, DC 20463

Dear Mr. McGahan:

I would like to file a formal complaint with the Federal Elections Commission requesting verification of the natural-born U.S. citizenship of Mr. Barack Obama, and revocation of the registration and recognition of Mr. Obama’s candidacy for president of the United States if that citizenship is not verified as described below within 7 days of the FEC receipt of this letter. Mr. Obama has not shown that he fulfills the Constitutional requirement for president, to be a “natural born citizen”, Article Two, Section 1.

The basis for this complaint is:

a) Mr. Obama’s refusal to produce a physical certified, stamped copy of his birth certificate, with the Hawaii file number visible, upon my previous repeated request and the requests of others.
b) Significant analysis of the electronically-displayed image displayed by Mr. Obama on his official campaign website as the certificate indicates forgery.
c) The electronically-displayed image displayed by Mr. Obama on his official campaign website has the Hawaii state birth certificate filing number blacked out, eliminating any objective information that links the image to an actual certificate on file (see

If Mr. Obama produces a certified, stamped copy of the original birth certificate with all information visible, I request as the complainant to see that document in person to examine its authenticity, including electronically, before the FEC finalizes its response; and the opportunity to verify the authenticity with the issuing state official. This process should require no more than two business days, and may take place in at the FEC office in Washington.

If the certificate is not produced in 10 days and verified by the FEC and myself within another 5 days, this complaint requests the following four remedies:

1) Mr. Obama’s registration as a presidential candidate is rejected (as filed on FEC Form 2).
2) Mr. Obama’s campaign finances will not be monitored by the FEC as a candidate, during the primary or election.
3) Votes cast for Mr. Obama and reported by the states’ boards of elections will not be recorded and displayed by the FEC.
4) Mr. Obama will be considered in violation of 2 U.S.C. 437g, for filing a false statement on FEC Form 2, as specified on that form.

I ask for expedited formal response and resolution of this request, given that the national convention furthering the candidacy will occur in three weeks, and given that this document is easy to produce upon personal request of Mr. Obama to the Hawaii state government. Please note the FEC can request it directly, as qualifying under Hawaii Revised Statutes § 338-18 has having “a direct and tangible interest in the record.”

This request is made with the utmost respect for the presidential election process and the candidates involved, in the desire to resolve this question quickly and confirm their integrity. If a similar request is appropriate to be made to all presidential candidates by the FEC it must not slow down this specific request.

If the FEC decides it does not have jurisdiction in this matter, please respond within three business days of receipt of this complaint with the agency or governmental organization that is responsible for enforcing Article Two, Section One of the Constitution that requires natural-born citizenship for candidacy for the president of the United States. Please include the basis for such jurisdiction by that agency or organization. Please respond by email to:


Mitchell Langbert
PO Box 130
203 Watson Hollow Road
West Shokan, New York 12494

Cc: Steven T. Walther, Vice Chairman
Cynthia L. Bauerly, Commissioner
Matthew S. Petersen, Commissioner
Caroline C. Hunter, Commissioner
Ellen L. Weintraub, Commissioner