Obama’s Agenda If Elected President

This was an interesting post on Yahoo News, it is a biased piece against Barack, but if what is says is true, shines a clear light on the real Obama… The first part is a bit of an over reaction to a campaign propoganda tool, however the the part that goes into his past ideaology is very unnerving.

Campaign ’08: Barack Obama clubs the presidential seal as he announces to the world that anyone who opposes him is a racist. With almost messianic arrogance, he has proclaimed he will save us from ourselves.

When Democratic presidential candidate Obama spoke during a meeting of Democratic governors in Chicago last Friday, a new seal adorned his podium.

It had nothing in common with the presidential seal he could one day stand behind — a seal we are familiar with as a representation of American strength and our desire for peace through strength.

The presidential seal shows an eagle clutching both arrows and an olive branch and the national motto “E pluribus unum” (Out of many, one). It’s a tribute to the American dream, to the American melting pot and to our willingness to defend it.

Obama’s seal, which he has since dropped, was quite different. For some reason, Obama felt the need to dispense with his usual “Change You Can Believe In” sign and create a symbol that was at once eerily similar and disturbingly different.

The top of the seal sported the words “Obama” and “America” in large type as if they were one phrase and the election were not about our future but his. It also had iconography used in the U.S. presidential seal, but Obama’s said “Vero possumus,” rough Latin for “Truly, we are able,” akin to the Obama slogan, ‘Yes, we can.”

Instead of “Seal of the President of the United States,” Obama’s Web site address was listed. And instead of a shield, Obama’s eagle wore his “O” campaign logo with a rising sun representing hope ahead. All military references were gone.

We could dismiss Obama’s seal as a campaign gimmick, but not Obama’s rhetoric before a group of Florida donors in Jacksonville Friday night. “We know what kind of campaign they (the Republicans) are going to run,” he said. “They’re going to make you afraid of me. He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name. And did I mention he’s black? He’s got a feisty wife.”

Apparently Obama shares the victim mentality — or at least is willing to exploit it. He asks, in essence, how anyone can oppose him and stand in the way of both change and history. And he implies that anyone who does so must be a racist. His words bear a resemblance to the words thundered from the pulpit of his Trinity United Church by the likes of Jeremiah Wright and Michael Pfleger.

A revealing profile in 1995 in the Chicago Reader, a far-left free weekly, tells of how the young Obama fully embraced the black liberation theology espoused by Wright at Trinity and did not accept “the unrealistic politics of integrationist assimilation.”

According to the profile, Obama said he was “tired of seeing the moral fervor of black folks whipped up — at the speaker’s rostrum and from the pulpit — and then allowed to dissipate because there’s no agenda, no concrete program for change.” He has change in mind, all right.

And yes, he does have a feisty wife, one who campaigns for him. As a part of his campaign, she’s fair game. It is Michelle Obama who said that for the first time in her life she was proud of her country, a country she says is “just downright mean.” If she’s going to make those remarks, she and he have to defend them.

While Obama masks the radical agenda of the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate in lofty rhetoric, his wife cuts to the chase. In a speech in California, Michelle Obama said: “Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zone.” Or else.

When campaigning in Roseburg, Ore., Obama said: “We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times … and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK.” Obama added: “That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen.” Seems that Obama won’t let us enjoy our freedoms any more than he’ll let us defend them.

Barack Obama Inspiring Racism Growth

American’s will soon be voting for the next President and the choice is Black and White. No matter what your personal opinion is, race is a factor in this election. Barack Obama has reached this point so far because of his race, even though his camp denounces anyone that points this out and labels them racists. Well it seems a group of Americans, White Supremicists and Neo Nazis that has lost power and numbers over the past 30 years is rearing its head and interest in these groups is growing. I would imagine over the next few months memberships will start flying.

This could be a factor in the upcomming elections that Obama did not count out. Now these folks defintely do not agree with McCain and probably would not vote for him if Hillary had the Democratic nomination. However be assured they will vote for him because they will not accept a black president.

Don Black of Stormfront supported Ron Paul because Paul thinks the Amendments to the Constitution other than the Bill of Rights should be repealled. That would take away the rights of every black American and essential legalize Slavery. So you can bet he is going to start promoting McCain. I would imagine the suit wearing racists like the KKK’s David Dukes are going to be running some behind the scenes campaigns as well.

Sen. Barack Obama’s victory in the Democratic primaries, celebrated as a symbol of racial progress and cultural unity, has also sparked an increase in racist and white supremacist activity, mainly on the Internet, according to leaders of hate groups and the organizations that track them.

Neo-Nazi, skinhead and segregationist groups have reported gains in numbers of

visitors to their Web sites and in membership since the senator from Illinois secured the Democratic nomination June 3. His success has aroused a community of racists, experts said, concerned by the possibility of the country’s first black president.

“I haven’t seen this much anger in a long, long time,” said Billy Roper, a 36-year-old who runs a group called White Revolution in Russellville, Ark. “Nothing has awakened normally complacent white Americans more than the prospect of America having an overtly nonwhite president.”

Such groups have historically inflated their influence for self-promotion, and, as an intimidation technique, they refused to provide exact membership numbers or open their meetings to a reporter. Leaders acknowledged that their numbers remain very small — “the flat-globe society still has more people than us,” Roper said. But experts said their claims reveal more than hyperbole this time.

“The truth is, we’re finding an explosion in these kinds of hateful sentiments on the Net, and it’s a growing problem,” said Deborah Lauter, civil rights director for the Anti-Defamation League, which monitors hate-group activity. “There are probably thousands of Web sites that do this now. I couldn’t even tell you how many are out there because it’s growing so fast.”

Earlier this month, Obama’s campaign launched a Web site to defuse the false rumors that hatemongers spread on the Internet.

But on a Web site run out of a house in West Palm Beach, Fla., the other side is also fighting.

Don Black spends 16 hours each day on his laptop computer reading hundreds of derogatory Obama comments posted on Stormfront.org, a Web site with the motto “white pride world wide.” Black, a former Ku Klux Klan leader, launched the site in 1995 to create a central meeting place for the white-power movement. With Obama having secured enough delegates for the nomination, Stormfront, he says, has begun to fulfill his vision.

A site that drew a few thousand visitors per day in 2002 has expanded into Black’s full-time job, attracting more than 40,000 unique users each day who can post on 54 different message boards, he said. Black has enlisted 40 moderators and his 19-year-old son to help run Stormfront.

Posters on Stormfront complain that Obama represents the end of “white rule” and the beginning of “multiculturalism.” They fear that he will promote affirmative action, support illegal immigration and help render whites, who make up two-thirds of the U.S. population, “the new minority.”

“I get nonstop e-mails and private messages from new people who are mad as hell about the possibility of Obama being elected,” said Black, a white-power activist since the 1970s. “White people, for a long time, have thought of our government as being for us, and Obama is the best possible evidence that we’ve lost that. This is scaring a lot of people who maybe never considered themselves racists, and it’s bringing them over to our side.”

Almost all white-power leaders said they are benefiting from the rise in recruits. Roper said White Revolution receives about 10 new applicants each week, more than double the norm.

North Korea Blows Up Cooling Tower At Main Nuke Site

Something is up with North Korea’s very quick Nuclear breakdown… Yesterday they release their disclosure as part of the lifting of sanctions and today they blow up the cooling tower at Yonbyon, with pictures and everything.

It would seem almost desparate in nature. Especially with the pictures and video being released by this secretive governemnt.  Is the country that bad off from the tryranical rule they have endured? Is this some sort of show? Are they creating a distraction? Only time will tell. I just hope those in power tread carefully and don’t take things at face value.

PYONGYANG, North Korea (CNN) — North Korea on Friday destroyed a water cooling tower at a facility where officials acknowledge they extracted plutonium to build nuclear weapons, CNN’s Chief International Correspondent Christiane Amanpour reported from the scene.

The cooling tower is demolished at the Yongbyon nuclear complex near Pyongyang, North Korea.

The cooling tower is demolished at the Yongbyon nuclear complex near Pyongyang, North Korea.

The massive implosion, which came at about 5pm local time Friday at the Yongbyon facility, was intended to be a powerful public symbol of a move to end nuclear activities by the Communist nation once branded a member of an “axis of evil” by U.S. President George W. Bush.

The destruction of the highly visible symbol of North Korea’s long-secret nuclear program came just a day after the country released details of its program.

A signal flare gave a three-minute warning as U.S. State Department officials and observers from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) watched from a reviewing stand.

“The whole thing came tumbling down,” Amanpour said.

“This is a very significant disablement step,” the U.S. envoy to North Korea, Sung Kim, said.

Nuclear experts say that the plant’s destroyed central water-cooling tower would take a year or longer to rebuild if North Korea were to try using the plant again.

“This is a critical piece of equipment for the nuclear reactor,” said analyst John Wolfsthal, of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, who has been following North Korea since the 1980s. “Without this facility, the reactor can’t operate and can’t produce more plutonium for weapons.” Watch the tower being demolished Video

North Korea has been dismantling other parts of the facility under the watchful eyes of representatives of the five other nations, including the U.S., that have been involved in six-party talks aimed at ending Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons program.

On Thursday, North Korean officials turned over to China a 60-page declaration, written in English, that details several rounds of plutonium production at the Yongbyon plant dating back to 1986. Video Watch President Bush claim progress over the N. Korea nuclear issue »

In it, North Korea acknowledges producing roughly 40 kilograms of enriched plutonium — enough for about seven nuclear bombs, according to the U.S. State Department.

In response, Bush said he would lift some U.S. sanctions against North Korea and remove the country from the State Department’s list of state sponsors of terrorism.

But he made clear that other sanctions remained in place on North Korea — which has been on the terrorism list since its alleged involvement in the 1987 bombing of a South Korean airliner which killed 115 people.

“The United States has no illusions about the regime in Pyongyang,” Bush said. “We remain deeply concerned about North Korea’s human rights abuses, uranium enrichment activities, nuclear testing and proliferation, ballistic missile programs and the threat it continues to pose to South Korea and its neighbors.”

U.S. analysts will pore over the document to resolve Washington’s outstanding concerns, which include questions about the extent of North Korea’s proliferation of nuclear technology and the status of any uranium enrichment program. Video Watch what’s still unknown after Pyongyang’s declaration »

Friday’s event at the nuclear plant marked at least an effort by North Korea — dubbed “The Hermit Kingdom” in the international community for its isolationist tendencies — to show the world a good-faith effort to end its nuclear weapons program.

Media outlets from the five other nations involved in the talks were invited to view the tower’s implosion, a rare move in North Korea. CNN was among the media outlets present.

But there appeared to be no mention of the declaration or planned implosion at Yongbyon on the Web site of North Korea’s state-run news agency on Thursday. And an article Wednesday noted the 58th anniversary of the Korean war, calling it “a war of aggression started by the U.S. imperialists in an attempt to occupy the whole of Korea.”



Hillary Bailout

This is why we need campaign finance reform, not the Liberal version either.

Hillary is able to spend more than she has, then “loan” her campaign money, loose to Obama and then have a method of recoupping her loses

First of all, she should not have been allowed to spend more than she had available. Second she should not have been able to loan her campaign money, either she donates it to the campaign or she does not contribute to it.

If she has a method of getting her money back, then everyone that donated to her failure of a campaign should be entitled to a refund.

This rich liberals, Obama and Clinton, are leeches and have sucked up millions from the working class, and want a golden parachute to get their cash back while America’s that contributed to their campaigns are left holding the bag… Typical liberal politics, steal from the poor and give to the rich.

Now, the story not being reported, Obama and Hillary show how fiscally irresponsibility is handled… Ask Average working Americans to donate money, over spend, ask tax payers to reimburse them… This has been the problem for years with liberal fiscal policy, reminds me of how the liberal uncontrolled school boards operate…

Another reason Barack should keep his promise of public finance for the election, but nay, he can rake in more money without that…

This should be classified as a crime under fraud…

Sen. Barack Obama has asked top contributors to help his former rival for the Democratic presidential nomination, Sen. Hillary Clinton, retire her debt, an Obama campaign source said Tuesday. 

Sen. Barack Obama is to campaign with Sen. Hillary Clinton in Unity, New Hampshire, on Friday.

Obama did not direct members of his National Finance Committee to contribute to Clinton’s campaign, the source said, but asked them to do so if they were so inclined.

Clinton suspended her campaign and endorsed Obama for the Democratic presidential nomination this month.

She has amassed a campaign debt of about $22 million, but about $12 million of that is money the New York senator loaned to the campaign herself.

Individual donors can contribute $2,300 to individual candidates.

Clinton and Obama have scheduled a joint campaign appearance Friday in Unity, New Hampshire.

Obama said Tuesday that he had spoken with Clinton by phone earlier in the day as well as on Sunday.

“We had a good conversation,” he said. “We’re looking forward to seeing each other tomorrow and campaigning on Friday.”

Speculators + Congressional Inaction = High Oil Prices

Well Congress “May” finally listen to the people and go after those that are creating the high oil prices… There are many factors involved in the current cost of oil in the US, but one of the most significant is the speculators on Wall Street. As I said before, there is an agenda here and because of this agenda, I do not think Congress will act on behalf of the people, or not act fully…

Speculators have created this new Oil Bubble and it needs to be popped…

I love these two quotes:

“I always worry when politicians think they know better than the market what the price of oil should be.”

“You’re raising the cost of doing business for the people who need the futures market,”

I always love when people making money for nothing think they know better what the market price of oil should be. This is completely against capitism’s supply and demand theory.

The second asshat doesn’t realize he is raising the cost of living for every American.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) — Fed up with soaring oil prices and a chorus of people blaming Wall Street speculators, Congress is considering a host of rules aimed at limiting the inflow of investor money into oil contracts.

But oil traders urge caution. While more disclosure is a good thing, they say making it harder for speculators to invest in oil futures could have the opposite effect intended, and send prices higher.

In light of oil’s phenomenal climb from under $50 a barrel to nearly $140 in less than 18 months – and the public belief that Wall Street traders were behind the rise – Congress is awash in bills that attempt to limit the role of speculators. Several have bipartisan support and could soon become law.

“In two days, the price of oil rose $16,” said Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill., at a joint hearing of two Senate panels on oil speculation Tuesday. “Did I miss something, was there some war in the Middle East?”

“No, something is going on besides supply and demand, and it could be excessive speculation,” he added.

Proposals have included requiring foreign exchanges to provide more information about crude oil trades, limiting the number of contracts speculators are allowed to hold, increasing the amount of money speculators need to put up to buy an oil contract, and removing speculators from the market entirely and limiting trade to just producers and consumers.

Government regulators said they are monitoring the markets for evidence of manipulation – someone withholding production in an attempt to bid up prices – and are gathering more information on the role speculators play.

“If the CFTC sounds busy, it is,” said Walter Lukken, acting chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. “This small agency is working hard to protect the public from manipulation and abuse.”

Lukken said the CFTC has just reached an agreement with the IntercontinentalExchange (ICE) in London for that exchange to comply with U.S. disclosure rules – basically letting regulators know who is buying oil contracts.

Oil traders say requiring more information from foreign exchanges is a good idea, as markets function better the more transparent they are.

But they urge lawmakers not to hamper speculative trading. They say big oil users such as refiners or airlines – unable to find a counter party to offset their bets – could send prices higher by hoarding product or through panic buying.

“They have to be very, very careful with what they’re doing here,” said Phil Flynn, senior market analyst at Alaron Trading in Chicago. “I always worry when politicians think they know better than the market what the price of oil should be.”

Another trader agreed, especially when it comes to doing something such as raising margin requirements, the amount of money traders are required to put up to buy contracts.

“You’re raising the cost of doing business for the people who need the futures market,” Stephen Schork, publisher of the industry newsletter The Schork Report, told CNNMoney.com. “In the long run, it’s bullish.”

CFTC’s Lukken also said raising the margin requirement may have a negative effect.

“Margin (requirement) is a very blunt tool, and it could potentially drive markets overseas” where there is even less regulation, said Lukken.

A spokesman for Sen. Durbin said proposals to raise the margin requirements have been removed from legislation after lawmakers listened to concerns from the industry.

The airline industry, a big user of oil, urged Congress to take action.

“Crude oil prices today are unnecessarily high and distorted due, in large part, to market manipulation and excessive speculation,” Jim May, president of the Air Transport Association, said at the hearing. “The impact of these unprecedented jet fuel prices on the airlines is devastating and airlines may see 2008 losses nearing $10 billion, on par with the worst financial year in aviation history.”

May called on Congress to enact more oversight of foreign exchanges, and to “curtail extremely risky investments by pension funds that jeopardize savings for employees across the country.” 

Marine Corps: 7 – Murtha’s Haditha Conspiracy: 0

The highest pranking Marine officer,Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani, implicated in the Haditha Massacre has had charges against him dropped.

Well it would seem with one case left, that makes this whole thing nothing more than a liberal smear campaign, politicized for the benefit of a few with the sole intention of trying to blame more on Bush…

Seven of the Eight Marines charged have been vindicated, now only Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich is left to stand trial.


As I have said before John Murtha and the Mass Media should be brought up on charges for endangering our soldiers on the battlefield. I would venture to call this sham by Murtha treasonous.

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif. —  A military judge has dismissed charges against a Marine officer accused of failing to investigate the killings of 24 Iraqis.

Col. Steven Folsom dismissed charges Tuesday against Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani after defense attorneys raised concerns that a four-star general overseeing the prosecution was improperly influenced by an investigator probing the November 2005 shootings by a Marine squad in Haditha.

The charges were dismissed without prejudice, meaning they can be refiled, but Folsom excluded Marine Forces Central Command from future involvement.

Chessani was the highest-ranking officer implicated in the case.

Duck, Duck, Guilty Goose

 Well, one of the two Fireworks kids has pleaded guilty to PROVIDING MATERIAL SUPPORT TO TERRORISTS… Where are the liberals who said they didn’t do anything… The media was blowing this out of proportion… etc…

So that make two of the three guilty, I guess Youssef will be next to plead guilty.  

What will CAIR say now? Ahmed Mohamed pleads guilty to providing material support to terrorists. Just an innocent kid on a joy ride with fireworks? Not:

Former University of South Florida student Ahmed Mohamed has agreed to plead guilty to providing material support to terrorists, according to a signed 12-page plea agreement entered onto the docket in U.S. District Court.

Mohamed, an Egyptian citizen, was arrested, along with another student, Youssef Megahed, in North Carolina in August after deputies said they found explosive materials in their trunk.

Authorities charged Mohamed with trying to help terrorists in connection with a video they said he made and posted to the Web site YouTube. On the video, authorities said, he showed how to use a remote-controlled toy to detonate a bomb.

Under the terms of the plea deal, prosecutors have agreed to dismiss other charges, including counts in an indictment alleging he illegally transported explosives. The maximum penalty for the charge to which Mohamed will plead guilty is 15 years in federal prison and a $250,000 fine.

TBO.com has the PDF of the plea agreement.

Barack Obama – Prove You Are A US Citizen

Michelle Malkin and a large chuck of the blogshere is reporting on Presidential Candidate Barack Obama’s refusal to disclose his Birth Certificate.

As it is required that a person be a Natural Born US citizen, why is Barack so unwilling to provide this basic document, one that most have to provide to get many other things in the US such as a drivers license, passport etc…

They made McCain have to go through Congress to ensure that even though both parents were US citizens and his father was Stationed on a US Military base in Central America, under military orders. The same should without apply to Barack, especially since his father is not a US Citizen.

Malkin picks up on one view that his name on the birth certificate may say Barry instead of Barack… I think something more is there… Possibly that he is listed as WHITE, not BLACK on the application… Holy shit, can you imagine if that were true… My kids are a result of mixed race, asian and caucasian… On their birth certificate applications they are listed as Caucasian… This could really hurt Baracks black vote and may expose the lies that are his life… Damn that typical white grandmother of his…

Is there something on the birth certificate that will harm him.

Jim Geraghty takes a look at longstanding blog buzz over Barack Obama’s birth certificate, which the campaign refused to release to the St. Petersburg Times in April:

We tried to obtain a copy of Obama’s birth certificate, but his campaign would not release it and the state of Hawaii does not make such records public.

Has anyone seen it? Why shouldn’t the record be in the public domain for presidential candidates?

Geraghty walks through various rumors now circulating in the wake of the Obama campaign’s birth certificate blackout, including this one:

Rumor Three: His mother did not want to name him after his father, and his birth certificate says “Barry.” Perhaps the most plausible of the rumors, as Obama was known by that name through much of his childhood and young adulthood. If true, this would spur a new round of “When Barry Became Barack” stories – a minor headache for the campaign, but hardly a major scandal.

Lest the Obama campaign start whining about this issue being an unfair “distraction,” John McCain underwent intense scrutiny of his citizenship status because of his birth in the Panama Canal zone, leading the Senate to declare him a natural-born citizen in April.

Is Obama: White With Black Stripes or Black With White Stripes

The current political arena is new to most Americans, at least according to the media… I keep hearing how Obama has made history as being the first Black Presidential candidate. Again I emphasize that Obama is also half white.

Obama keeps trying to say that it is not about race, his camp attacks anyone that brings up his race, however he is completely reliant upon his race, the black part, if he is to stay in this election. If he were to come out and identify himself as a white man he would surely loose the prized Black vote he has worked so hard to garner. Look back to January when political pundits questioned if he was black enough to get the black vote…

Obama’s story in this election reminds me of an old joke…

A zebra dies and goes to heaven, he makes his way through the pearly gates, and he soon runs into Gabriel. The angel turns to the zebra and says welcome to heaven. “Thank you says the zebra but I have one question for you. Am I white with black stripes, or black with white stripes?” The angel ponders this for a moment, then replies “I am sorry, but I cannot answer this, you must take the question to god himself.”
The zebra sets out to talk to god. When the zebra arrives before god, he has a troubled look upon his face, and as such god asks “What is troubling you my child” to which the zebra replied “am I white with black stripes, or black with white stripes?” God leans back and thinks about this for a few minutes, and then leans forward and says “My child, you are what you are.”
The zebra didn’t find this answer to be enough, and leaves disappointed and runs into Gabriel again. The angel asks the zebra what god said, and the zebra fills him in. The angel thinks about it for a moment, then turned back to the zebra and said, “well your obviously white, cause if you were black he would have said ‘you is what you is’ “

All joking aside, CNN has an article that lays it out pretty clearly

The 2000 U.S. Census was the first time Americans were allowed to identify themselves as “multiracial,” and more than six million people checked more than one box in the race and ethnicity category.

Included in the multiracial category is the Democratic presumptive nominee, Sen. Barack Obama. With a white mother from Kansas and a black father from Kenya, Obama is the nation’s first biracial candidate for president. The media, however, have continually called Obama the nation’s first major party “black candidate,” saying he could make history as the first “black president.” But is that accurate?

A columnist examining Obama‘s background summed up his racial identity into one equation: white + black = black.

For me, that said it all.

There are some who point out Obama is just as white as he is black. He may be the nation’s first black president, but he would also be the nation’s 44th white president.

“He can’t say, ‘I’m a white guy named Barack Hussein Obama,’ nobody’s going to buy that,” says cultural critic Michaela Angela Davis. “We’re not ready for that.”

This is an issue that has sparked debate not only in our newsroom, but also among my friends and family. Most Americans see Obama as a black man, and he identifies himself as a black man. But there are some who will argue that by labeling Obama as a “black candidate,” we are all ignoring a vital and legitimate side of his life.

I spoke with a group of young professionals who are part of a biracial support group called Swirl. Swirl was started by a woman named Jen Chau whose father is Chinese and mother is white. Chau says this debate over Obama’s racial identity is very familiar and she’s been dealing with this issue her whole life.

Chau identifies herself as a mixed-race person as do the other members of Swirl we spoke with. Lynda Turet says she could never identify herself as a white person in America because she is also half-Filipina. Both women support Obama’s choice to identify himself as a black candidate, but they also understand why he emphasizes his white roots.

David Mendell, author of “Obama: From Promise to Power” says there’s an idea of a “post-racial” candidate, a candidate who transcends the labels of race to appeal to all races. He says though most Americans view Obama as black, he has been able to use his own experiences to appeal to both black and white audiences and that has translated into political success.

This is a debate that will continue as we watch the presidential race. It seems with an issue like this there’s no right or wrong answer. As Michaela Angela Davis says, it’s a step in the right direction that we are even having this discussion as all.

And Obama Who? brings out some interesting facts from Obama himself regarding his race and where his allegances are...

‘I will stand with the (Muslims) should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.’   Quote by Obama: From Audacity of Hope.  Once again he back tracks on what he says as it is not what he means in this new Republican attack ad

This is Memorial Day weekend where we honor those who have fought for us and died in the wars. This is how Obama treats Vets:


Yet he had the nerve to stand on the Senate floor and attack John McCain for his treatments of Vets?  Obama was way out of line here with this one.  McCain is a true American Hero who took a trip to Hades and back in Vietnam and Obama doesn’t know the first thing about war let alone about our troops. 

By Obama from Dreams of My Father: ‘I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn’t speak to my own. It was into my father’s image, the black man, son of Africa, that I’d packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, Dubois and Mandela.’

I watch him out on the campaign trail and I think.  I hear the words of his wife and have read the racist and hate filled thesis that she wrote. I heard her anti American words and it amazes me that a single person would stand behind this man who is truly a racist and Anti-American.  In his books, if you can stand to read them, BO shows his loyalty to other nations and states plainly his racist attitudes. In his own words:

From Dreams of My Father: ‘I ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites.’

From Dreams of My Father: ‘I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother’s race.’

From Dreams of My Father: ‘There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white.’

From Dreams of My Father: ; ‘It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names.’

Let’s hear it again, taking snippets and out of context.  The thing is why are there so many snippets to take?   Barack Hussein Obama is who he is.  He has said what he has said, he has written what he has written and his name is his name so why does he react violently when people address what he himself has stated or use his proper name?  He says it is a scare tactic for people to use his name?  Why, he chose it, he  had his name changed from Barry to Barack  so if he was ashamed of his name then why not have his middle name changed to meow or something?   So Obama’s name is frightening?  Actually there is a lot more about Obama that is frighten.  I honestly believe with how under experienced Obama is that the following video has a lot of merit.  Many people fear Obama in his stupidity with foreign affairs could land us into World War 3 or cause a civil war in the US.  As they call for riots in Denver has Obama ever once said there will be NO riots? 


Paul F. Villarreal

Still more troubling is the wife of Obama, Michelle.  NoQuarter ask, who is she and what message will she bring?  I’m asking if Barrack is elected then who is actually going to be running the White House. Everyone know Obama can’t make a move without Michelle’s approval so who will actually be making the decisions that affect our country? Maybe we will know more when the tape of her ranting about “whitey” comes out from the republicans in October.


These are not small issues to consider, these are major issues.  This is not about how a person looks it is not about how they talk or how well they can/can’t give a speech.  This is about our future and the future of our children in America.  Can one person destroy a country?  Look at the last 8 years for the answers to this one.  Obama has nothing to offer but a bunch of things he copied from Hillary and changed a few lines on.  The price of oil is sky high and going up so will it be like they say in the bible “people will not be able to buy or sell a loaf of bread  Some heavy things to think about… 


Marine Accused Of Covering Up Haditha “Masacre” Acquitted

Yet another Marine accussed of war crimes by John Murtha, has been found innocent.

The accusations against these men is an outrage and a result of what happens when the investigation is guided by what Politicians and the media predetermined guilt.

As I have said before, the fourth column has been the major cause of failure in this war.

Eat your words Murtha “I Know There Was a Cover-up … The Chain of Command Tried to Stifle the Story”

Maybe John Murtha and the Mass Media should be brought up on charges for endangering our soldiers on the battlefield.

CAMP PENDLETON, Calif.  —  A military jury acquitted a Marine intelligence officer Wednesday of charges that he tried to help cover up the killings of 24 Iraqis.

Cheers erupted as the seven-officer panel cleared 1st Lt. Andrew Grayson, who was the first of three Marines to be tried in the biggest U.S. criminal case involving Iraqi deaths linked to the war. The verdict came just five hours after deliberations began.

The judge, Maj. Brian E. Kasprzyk, admonished the noisy courtroom, saying: “There will be no more of that.”

Grayson, who has always maintained he did nothing wrong, was not at the scene of the killings of men, women and children on Nov. 19, 2005, in Haditha. He was accused of telling a sergeant to delete photographs of the dead from a digital camera and laptop computer.

Outside the courtroom, a visibly emotional Grayson said the verdict was an end to a terrible ordeal.

“It’s finally time for me to get to be with my family,” he said, fighting back tears.

His wife, Susan, cried as she said what she had only dared to think about for months: “It’s over.”

Grayson, of Springboro, Ohio, was acquitted of two counts of making false official statements, two counts of trying to fraudulently separate from service and one count of attempt to deceive by making false statements. He would have faced as many as 20 years in prison if convicted of all counts.

Grayson said he refused a deal early in the case that would have reduced charges and kept him out of jail.

“I was the one that had to look at myself in the mirror,” he said. “To take the easy way out, you are the one that has to live with that.”

He said the charges that he helped cover up by ordering the photos to be deleted appears to be the result of a misunderstanding. He has always maintained he was following Marine Corps policy that prohibits photos of Iraqi bodies on personal computers.

Grayson’s attorney, Joseph Casas, said he believed the verdict could influence pending prosecutions.

“I think it sets the tone for the overall whirlwind Haditha has been. It’s been a botched investigation from the get-go,” he said. “I believe in the end all of the so-called Haditha Marines who still have to face trial will be exonerated.”

Prosecutors did not make themselves available for comment.

During closing arguments earlier in the day, Casas and a prosecutor offered starkly contrasting views of Grayson.

The prosecutor, Lt. Col. Paul H. Atterbury, portrayed Grayson as a liar who wanted to avoid accountability and ordered the sergeant to delete photographs of the bodies.

Atterbury told jurors evidence showed Grayson lied five times to investigators and hindered their efforts to look into the killings.

“Gentlemen, why would an otherwise promising officer make a statement like that? The government’s argument is that it was to avoid accountability,” Atterbury said.

But Casas told jurors the prosecution of Grayson was the result of a flubbed investigation conducted under heavy media scrutiny. The case, he said, was falling apart, pointing to a move a day earlier by a judge who dismissed an obstruction-of-justice charge against Grayson.

“One of the greatest charges we started out with is no longer there,” Casas said. “It’s like the government ran a 90-yard punt return and got called back to line 10.”

The killings occurred after a roadside bomb killed a Marine and wounded two others.

Investigators allege that after the bombing, Staff Sgt. Frank Wuterich and a squad member shot five men by a car at the scene. Wuterich then allegedly ordered his men into several houses, where they cleared rooms with grenades and gunfire, killing more Iraqis, including women and children, in the process.

Four enlisted Marines initially were charged with murder and four officers were charged with failing to investigate the deaths. Charges were dropped against five of the Marines.

Still to face court-martial are Wuterich, of Meriden, Conn., whose charges include voluntary manslaughter, and Lt. Col. Jeffrey Chessani, of Rangely, Colo., who has been charged with dereliction of duty and violation of a lawful order on allegations he mishandled the aftermath of the killings.

Grayson and Wuterich pleaded not guilty. Chessani has said he didn’t order a formal investigation because he believed the deaths resulted from lawful combat. He has not entered a plea because in the military system that is not usually done until motions hearings are completed and a court-martial is about to start.