Obama 2008 Card Deck

Ace of Spades – Barack Obama

King of Spades – Joe Biden

Queen of Spades – Michelle Obama

Ace of Diamonds – William Ayers

King of Diamonds – Jeremiah Wright

Jack of Diamonds – Bill Clinton

Ace of Clubs – Louis Farrikan

King of Clubs – Tony Rezko

Queen of Clubs – Hillary Clinton

Jack of Clubs – Al Sharpton

King of Hearts – Matt Damon

Queen of Hearts – Sandra Bernhard

Jack of Hearts – Jesse Jackson

Barack Obama - President of the World

Barack Obama - President of the World


Joe Biden - Vice President of Scranton, PA

Joe Biden - Vice President of Scranton, PA


Michelle Obama - First Lady

Michelle Obama – First Lady
William Ayers - Secretary of Homeland Security

William Ayers - Secretary of Homeland Security


Jeremiah Wright - Secretary of State

Jeremiah Wright - Secretary of State

Bill Clinton - Secretary of the Interior

Bill Clinton - Secretary of the Interior


Louis Farrakhan - Supreme Court Justice

Louis Farrakhan - Supreme Court Justice


Tony Rezko - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Tony Rezko - Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Hillary Clinton - Secretrary of Health and Human Services

Hillary Clinton - Secretrary of Health and Human Services

Al Sharpton - Supreme Court Justice

Al Sharpton - Supreme Court Justice


Matt Damon - Director of the CIA

Matt Damon - Director of the CIA


Sandra Bernhard - White House Press Secretary

Sandra Bernhard - White House Press Secretary


Jesse Jackson - Secretary of Justice

Jesse Jackson - Secretary of Justice






11 Responses

  1. Okay, how about Paris Hilton as the Assistant Secretary of International Affairs?

    Perhaps the Queen of Clubs would be in order (nobody knows clubs like Paris does).

  2. I will work on over the weekend. I want to find the right pics for the cards too.

    These are some of the ones I thought of doing so far:
    Rev. Wright as the Secretary of State
    Jim Johnson as the Secretary of the Treasury
    Ayers wife as the Secretary of Defense
    Hillary Clinton as Secretary of Health and Human Services
    Bill Clinton as Secretary of the Interior
    John Edwards as Secretary of Labor
    Iffil as Secretary of Commerce

    Need some ideas for the following:
    Secretary of Justice (Possibly Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton)
    Secretary of Agriculture
    Secretary of Energy (Possibly Al Gore)
    Secretary of Transportation
    Secretary of Veterans Affairs

  3. How about- Chief War Criminal – George Bush
    That would be a good card.

  4. On second thought, Bill Clinton would be a much better Secretary of International Affairs, I would think.

    I’ll see what I can come up with for your stumpers!

  5. You sure got the Ace of Spades right. I see a pardon of OJ Simpson in the future as he will be Secretary of Agriculture. In the mean time I’m gonna send him a Christmas present he can really use……..soap on a rope.

  6. for transportation put harison ford

  7. For secretary of veteran affairs – Jane (Hanoi) Fonda

  8. Michelle Obama is one of the best first lady that US have. she is very down to earth. .

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  9. Pres Obama and 12 Republican senators have what is described as convivial dinner at the Jefferson Hotel in Washington; it raises difficult questions about how effective new administration campaign to woo Republicans will be and whether Obama can bridge gap between two parties that remain deeply divided over fundamental questions of policy and role of government; lawmakers say Obama is not going to change ideologies.^

    See all of the most current posting on our own blog site

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